ELI's Database of State Indoor Air Quality Laws: Main Page

Including Laws Enacted through December 2023


The ELI Database of State IAQ Laws is a compilation of laws reflecting a wide range of state policy strategies to improve indoor air quality. The Database is updated annually.

 How is the Database Available? You can get information from the Database in two ways:

What Types of Policy Documents are Included in the Database? The Database contains enacted state laws. In many cases, regulations or guidance documents established pursuant to individual laws are noted. The Database does not include federal, local, or tribal IAQ laws.

What IAQ Issues are Covered by the Database? The Database includes laws that address a variety of pollutants, practices, and building types. Given the multi-faceted nature of IAQ issues, the Database does not include all IAQ-related laws, and some highly-regulated issues (e.g., lead paint, asbestos, secondhand smoke) are excluded from the Database. The purpose of the Database is to show different types of policy strategies that states have employed, rather than to reflect the number of policies enacted.

What other Information on IAQ Policy does ELI Provide? ELI publishes other IAQ policy materials, including reports with in-depth analysis and policy briefs that are updated periodically. Our Topics in School Environmental Health resource offers information on state policies addressing IAQ in schools, and also is updated periodically.

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