Carl Bruch and Lisa Goldman, “Keeping Up with Megatrends: The Implications of Climate Change and Urbanization for Environmental Emergency Preparedness and Response,” report prepared for the Advisory Group on Environmental Emergencies (United Nations Environment Programme, forthcoming 2012)
Sandra S. Nichols and Lisa Goldman, U.S. Bilateral Assistance to Liberia: Forestry as the Cornerstone to Peacebuilding, in Harnessing Natural Resources for Peacebuilding: Lessons from U.S. and Japanese Assistance (Envtl. L. Inst., Sept. 2011).
Daniel Schramm, Scott Schang, Carl Bruch, and Lisa Goldman, Legal and Policy Tools to Adapt Biodiversity Management to Climate Change (Envtl. L. Inst., Sept. 2011).
Lisa Goldman (2011). “Environmental Law—Africa, Saharan”, in Klaus Bosselmann, Daniel Fogel, and J. B. Ruhl (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 3: The Law and Politics of Sustainability, pp. 174-78. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.
Adenike Adeyeye, James Barrett, Jordan Diamond, Lisa Goldman, John Pendergrass, and Daniel Schramm, Estimating U.S. Government Subsidies to Energy Sources: 2002-2008 (Envtl. L. Inst., Sept. 2009)
Lisa Goldman and Nick Brown, Assessment of the Legal, Scientific, and Institutional Framework for Biodiversity Protection in the Republic of Liberia (United Nations Environment Programme, Oct. 2007).
Carl Bruch, Mikiyasu Nakayama, Jessica Troell, Lisa Goldman, & Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, Assessing the Assessments: Improving Methodologies for Impact Assessment in Transboundary Watercourses, 23 Int. J. Water Resour. Dev. 391-410 (Sept. 2007).