David Sive Society

Donors to the Environmental Law Institute who are members of the David Sive Society honor David Sive (b. 1922- d. 2014), the first recipient of the ELI Award for outstanding contribution to the improvement of environmental law, policy and management. He served five terms on ELI’s Board of Directors from 1970 to 1992 and chaired the Board for nine years, from 1972-1983.

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Members of the David Sive Society each donate between $500 and $1,499 per year to ELI to maintain their membership in the society, and each member receives:

  • Recognition in ELI’s Annual report
  • Letters and email updates on ELI’s progress on the mission.


ELI hosted a luncheon honoring David in March of 2013. Even though David could not be there, many great stories were told about him and how he influenced people and policies for environmental law. You can watch the video here:


ELI wants to thank all the inaugural members of the David Sive Society:

John Adams
Wayne Balta
Jim Bruen
Mark Chertok
John Cruden
Frank Friedman
Jim Gilliland
David Hayes
Allan Kanner
Stan Legro
Peter Lehner
Craig Mathews
Lang Marsh
Ann Powers
Dan Riesel
Lois Schiffer
Mary Sive
James Gustave Speth
Mike Traynor


ELI does not undertake the sale, rental or exchange of donor names. ELI does not disclose privileged or confidential donor information to unauthorized parties. All donor information created by, or on behalf of, ELI is the property of ELI and shall not be transferred or utilized except on behalf of ELI. This policy applies to all donations, whether made online or by cash, check, in-kind donation or stock transfer.

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