Jordan Diamond

Jordan Diamond headshot
President, Environmental Law Institute

On January 1, 2022, Jordan Diamond became the President of ELI. Previously, Jordan was the Executive Director of UC Berkeley’s Center for Law, Energy & the Environment, a center that designs and develops pragmatic policy solutions to environmental and energy issues, where she helped launch initiatives including GrizzlyCorps and the California-China Climate Institute. Recognized for her work on marine policy, Jordan also co-directed the Law of the Sea Institute at UC Berkeley, and from 2018-2023 she served on the California Ocean Protection Council by appointment of former California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. Prior to Berkeley, Jordan was a Staff Attorney here at ELI, where she worked on federal energy, disaster response and restoration, and Arctic policies.

Throughout her career, Jordan has focused on ensuring environmental governance is based on the best information available, developed through inclusive and transparent processes, and implemented through adaptive and accountable systems. She holds a JD with a certificate of specialization in environmental law from UC Berkeley School of Law, where she was the managing editor of Ecology Law Quarterly, and a BA with departmental honors in earth and environmental sciences from Wesleyan University, where she was awarded the Sease Prize for outstanding work in her discipline. She has been recognized in the field of environmental law through the ABA Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources Distinguished Environmental Advocates: The Next Generation award and ELI’s own Environmental Futures Award. Jordan currently serves on the Governing Board of the Natural Resource Governance Institute.

Media Guide
  • Ocean & Coastal Law: ocean and coastal ecosystem-based management; marine spatial planning; sustainable management of offshore energy; fisheries management; public participation in ocean and coastal resource decisionmaking
  • Climate & Energy Law: coastal adaptation and resilience; federal energy subsidies
  • International Law: Law of the Sea; regional ocean governance; environmental protection during armed conflict; transboundary environmental protection
  • Participatory Governance: regional ocean governance; public participation in ocean and coastal resource decisionmaking
Selected Publications

ELI & Tulane, Funding Deepwater Horizon Restoration: How Much, Going Where, For What? (May 2014).

ELI, Climate & Communities: Conducting Marine Research in a Changing Climate (March 2014).

Jordan Diamond, Greta Swanson & Kathryn Mengerink, Rights and Roles: Alaska Natives and Marine Subsistence Resources, 8 Florida A&M L. Rev. 219 (2013).

ELI, A Guide to State Management of Offshore Wind Energy in the Mid-Atlantic Region (Apr. 2013) (prepared for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean).

ELI & Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental, Gulf of Mexico Habitat Conservation and Restoration: A Comparison of the Mexican & United States Legal & Institutional Frameworks (2011).

ELI, Delaware Offshore Alternative Energy Framework Review & Recommendations (prepared for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, June 2011).

Michael Bothe, Carl Bruch, Jordan Diamond & David Jensen, International Law Protecting the Environment During Armed Conflict: Gaps and Opportunities, 92 International Review of the Red Cross 569 (2011).

Jordan Diamond & Carl Bruch, The International Architecture for Climate Change Adaptation Assistance, in Climate Change Adaptation and International Development: Making Development Cooperation More Effective (Ryo Fujikura & Masato Kawanishii, eds., 2010).

ELI & Center for Ocean Solutions, Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning: Legal Considerations (2010).

Jordan Diamond, The Need for Ecosystem-Based management of the Arctic, in Changes in the Arctic Environment and the Law of the Sea (Myron H. Nordquist, Tomas H. Heidar, and John Norton Moore, eds., 2010).

ELI, Federal Authority for Marine Spatial Planning (prepared for Ocean Conservancy, Dec. 2009).

ELI, Estimating U.S. Government Subsidies to Energy Sources: 2002-2008 (Sept. 2009).