ELI Press encourages inquiries from authors interested in publishing with ELI Press. We request that authors submit the information requested from ELI Press Author Submission Guidelines.

ELI Press is the critically acclaimed book publishing arm of the Environmental Law Institute, releasing on average four books a year. Our backlist of more than 60 titles includes deskbooks, coursebooks, and a wealth of definitive texts on cutting-edge issues written by a Who’s Who of authors in the field of environmental law and policy. Professionals and environmental law professors across the United States consider ELI Press a must-go-to source when seeking the best information available.

The ELI Press production team is comprised of environmental lawyers and professionals with cumulatively over half a century of experience in providing authors with expert advice, support, and editorial skills.

West Academic Publishers

ELI Press works with West Academic (WA) to maximize marketing and outreach efforts for our authors and editors. While ELI Press focuses primarily on the editorial and production side of publishing your book, WA carries out the broader marketing and distribution functions—they are in charge of publicizing the book in addition to the book’s warehousing and order processing. Publicity activities include:

  • advertising ELI books in WA’s print and electronic catalogs;
  • in-person representation by the WA sales teams in schools and libraries;
  • liaising with book retailers and e-tailers, such as Amazon and Apple Books; and
  • displaying your book at appropriate conferences. 

WA is also the point of contact for professor examination copies. WA maintains and monitors inventory stored in their Minneapolis warehouse.

ELI Press:

Meanwhile, ELI will still assist with some fundamental marketing that we can implement in-house, ensuring that your book receives the strongest push possible.

ELI Press will:

  • Develop and run full page ads in The Environmental Forum and The Environmental Law Reporter. The ad design will also be used as a flyer displayed at conferences and meetings;
  • Provide authors with “business cards” advertising their book;
  • Send email blasts to ELI’s in-house mailing lists, aimed at law firms, academics, private companies, NGOs, government agencies, and individuals;
  • Prominently feature the book upon its release on the ELI homepage;
  • Consider running excerpts of the book in ELI magazines;
  • Help market the book through special ELI promotions of the ELI Press backlist;
  • Arrange a book launch that fits your schedule and ELI’s resources.

ELI can also arrange special events around the book, with your assistance, such as an ELI Associates Seminar or conference call.

Responsibilities of the Authors (at their discretion):

  • Provide ELI Press with names and contact information of colleagues and peers who may want to review the book in order to provide testimonials. (this should be done after the first layout is back from our editor).
  • Submit op-eds in local papers or magazines in their respective fields;
  • Attend conferences; and
  • Publicize their book on appropriate listservs and contribute marketing material or announcements about the book to those listservs.