Terms served on previous ELI Boards of Directors

Thomas Alder was the first President (1970-73) and first Chairman (1970-72) of the Environmental Law Institute. He served as a member of the board and the executive committee until 1985. Throughout this time he was the President (1967-93) of the Public Law Education Institute, a co-founder of ELI with the Conservation Foundation. In this capacity he was publisher and contributing editor of the Selective Service Law Reporter, the Military Law Reporter, Justice and the Military, and other smaller publications.

Thomas Alder is a graduate of Amherst College (1955) and Yale Law School (1961). Following graduation he held staff positions in the House and Senate. From 1965 to 1967 he was engaged as counsel or organizer in several anti-war, civil rights and poverty initiatives. In 1968-9 he served as staff director of the Hughes Commission, which was charged with recommending reforms in the Presidential nominating process. In the 1970's he co-chaired a task force and community advisory committee on the U.S. Capitol Master Plan. He was a member of the Committee of 100 on the Federal City. He and his wife, Gale, retired in 1993 to engage in caregiving outside the Washington area.