ELI Public Interest & Public Sector Members

Attention: ELI Public Interest & Public Sector Members

ELI created the Public Interest Program to ensure that the Institute’s professional dialogues and projects involve representatives from citizens organizations. This unique individual membership program for public interest environmental organizations provides an interactive exchange of expertise and professional resources.

Here’s what you will get:

  • An online subscription to ELR — the Environmental Law Reporter®, ELI’s flagship environmental law reporting service. Subscription includes a 50-person site license for one office location: complete access to the ELR web site, ELR Weekly Updates, monthly ELR News and Analysis.
  • Up to 10 individual subscriptions to The Environmental Forum®, ELI’s award-winning policy journal.
  • Access for up to 10 individuals to the ELI Associates Directory. Each staff member or volunteer (up to 10 total) you choose to involve will be individually listed in the Associates Directory.
  • Invitations to ELI seminars and the annual ELI Policy Forum, via the emailed @ELI.org. Past events available via video recordings.
  • Invitations to attend ELI Environmental Law Boot Camps® and other special events at a substantial discount.
ELI Public Interest & Public Sector Members *
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