Leaking Methane: Natural Gas, Climate Change, and Uncertainty

April 8, 2020 12:00 pm — 1:30 pm
Webinar Only

ELI Member Webinar

Natural gas is described by many proponents as a “bridge fuel” that is less carbon-intensive than other fossil fuel alternatives. However, recent studies suggest that natural gas is significantly more carbon-intensive than previously realized. This is largely due to recent methane leakage measurements that found leakage to be 60% higher than the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) prior estimates.

This is of particular concern because methane is a greenhouse gas (GHG) with at least 25 times the warming potential of carbon dioxide. Studies suggest that due to a high degree of uncertainty in the quantity of methane leakage, if the United States is to meet GHG reduction goals it must curtail methane leakage between 30% and 90%. Additionally, proponents of natural gas are concerned as methane leakage is anticipated to cost producers $2 billion each year in lost product and may result in future compliance issues. Absent regulations from the federal government and many states, NGOs and the private sector are leading innovative solutions to methane leakage.

How are NGOs and the private sector responding to leaking methane and what are the leading approaches to resolving this pervasive issue? Is private environmental governance sufficient to mitigate methane leakage? Could methane leakage jeopardize future production opportunities for natural gas? Leading experts explored cutting-edge practices to monitor and mitigate leaking methane.

Jean M. Mosites
, Shareholder, Babst Calland, Moderator
Richard Hyde, Executive Director, One Future
John Jacus, Partner, Davis, Graham & Stubbs
Theresa Pugh, Owner, Theresa Pugh Consulting, Inc.
Ben N. Ratner, Senior Director, EDF+Business Energy Transition, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF)

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