Co-sponsored by the International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement (INECE)
Over the course of five webinars, INECE has examined the role of citizen science in a variety of circumstances including water and air monitoring, use by indigenous peoples in protecting natural resources, and the impact of citizen science on agency activities. Session 6 will wrap up our six-part series by looking ahead at likely developments in citizen science in enforcement. The program will follow a discussion format with ample opportunities for participant questions or comments and will feature senior-level government officials, former government officials, NGOs and academics. They will provide perspectives on the role community science will play as technology evolves, data sources become more widely available to citizens, communities seek a bigger role in determining their environmental future, government resources remain under stress in the post-pandemic era, and equity issues play a bigger role in decision-making.
Please join us and our speakers for this exciting roundtable discussion to close our six-part webinar series.
Lee Paddock, ELI, Moderator
George Wyeth, ELI, Moderator
Shannon Dosemagen, Open Environmental Data Project
Philip Osano, Stockholm Environment Institute
Nancy Stoner, Potomac Riverkeeper Network
Keith Talley, Louisville Air Pollution Control District
Uta Wehn, IHE Delft