Meet CEQ Chairman James L. Connaughton

January 9, 2003 11:26 am — 11:26 am
Washington, DC
Co-Sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute
and the DC Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Section

The Environmental Law Institute and the DC Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Section hosted a seminar on January 9, 2003 featuring James Connaughton, the Chairman for the U.S. Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). Prior to assuming the CEQ chairmanship, Mr. Connaughton was a partner in the Washington, DC offices of the law firm of Sidley Austin Brown & Wood and a lead US negotiator of the ISO 14000 series of international environmental standards. Mr. Connaughton was also one of the originators of the Multi-State Work Group on Environmental Management Systems “MSWG.”

At CEQ, Mr. Connaughton directs an agency with a broad mission to coordinate federal environmental efforts. CEQ works closely with other agencies and White House offices in developing environmental policies and initiatives. It also reports annually to the President on the state of the environment, oversees federal agency implementation of the environmental impact assessment process, and acts as a referee when agencies disagree over the adequacy of such assessments.

The subjects Jim Connaughton addressed included the role of CEQ in developing the Bush Administration’s environmental and energy agenda, the President’s Clear Skies Initiative, Healthy Forest Initiative, NSR Reform, and other environmental accomplishments and goals of the Bush Administration.