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Staying on top of the legal and policy developments in the climate change arena is no small task. As a special service to our institutional members, the Environmental Law Institute provides a series of monthly conference calls with national experts on climate law and policy to keep you up to date and to answer your questions.
Topics addressed in this month's call included:
- State Updates: RGGI auction prices rise, NYS sees climate change as risk to bondholders, MS bill signed on carbon dioxide capture, EPA gives AR approval to issue GHG permits, WA/OR governors ask White House to weigh CO2 emisions from coal exports
- Cert petitions: challenging DC Cir. upholding of GHG endangerment finding, E15 rule case, and EME Homer City Generation v. EPA
- DC Dist. Court decision saying EPA has no mandatory duty to issue endangerment finding for general aviation aircraft
- Competitive Research Institute FOIA against EPA for instant messages
- Climate-related votes in the recent Senate budget
Vicki Arroyo, Executive Director, Climate Center, Georgetown University
Michael B. Gerrard, Professor, Columbia Law School ; Director, Center for Climate Change Law
Manik Roy, Vice President, Strategic Outreach, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (C2ES)
Additional Materials:
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generous support of our institutional members.