Nanotechnology: Regulatory and Litigation Update

July 22, 2008 12:27 pm — 12:27 pm
Washington, DC

Over the past few months, nanotechnology has been in the news. In February, EPA fined a nanotechnology company for failing to register nanomaterial under FIFRA. In May, a report discussed a possible link between carbon nanotubes and the development of precursors of mesothelioma. This was followed by a rulemaking petition to EPA calling for the review and control of some 260 nano-silver products. To help you interpret these developments, this panel provided an update of EPA’s nanotechnology oversight activities, legal challenges to EPA’s regulatory efforts, and how companies can mitigate the related business risks associated with developing and using nanomaterials.


Tony Klapper, Partner, Reed Smith, LLP


Roger Martella, Sidley Austin LLP; Former EPA General Counsel
George Kimbrell, Staff Attorney, International Center for Technology Assessment
Dave Wagner, Associate, Reed Smith, LLP


George Kimbrell PowerPoint presentation
Dave Wagner PowerPoint presentation