Prospects for and Fallout from Senate Debate of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act

May 29, 2008 12:27 pm — 12:27 pm
Washington, DC
Co-sponsored by E&ETV

The Senate scheduled floor debate of the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act for June 2, 2008. Senators Lieberman and Warner sponsored this bill widely regarded as the most likely vehicle for climate change legislation in the current Congress.

To prepare for the Senate floor debate of this landmark legislation, ELI and E&ETV co-sponsored an expert discussion of the prospects for the bill, likely amendments, key floor fights, and potential ramifications of the Senate debate over the bill. Leslie Carothers, President of the Environmental Law Institute, and Monica Trauzzi, Editorial Director and Host, E&ETV, moderated the discussion.

David Doniger
, Policy Director, NRDC Climate Center
Manik Roy, Director of Congressional Affairs, Pew Center on Global Climate Change
Scott Segal, Partner, Bracewell & Guiliani and Director, Electric Reliability Coordinating Council
Andrew Wheeler, Minority Staff Director, Senate Environment & Public Works Committee

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