Recovering from Katrina and Rita: Environmental Governance Lessons Learned and Applied

October 17, 2005 12:26 pm — 12:26 pm
Washington, DC

The devastation and toll in human life and suffering from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita are still revealing themselves. Some believe much of this was preventable, and that steps must be taken today to ensure that the recovery from these disasters leaves our Gulf Coast and its residents with greater economic, social and environmental security.

On October 17, 2005, ELI invited members and friends who had a front seat to the events leading up to this disaster, and who will play a key role in the recovery, to share their thoughts and experiences. The discussion considered what lessons we can learn about environmental governance and how we can apply those lessons moving forward. We also considered land use and planning post-Katrina and post-Rita; how recovery should work across federal, state, local, private, and non-profit organizations; and ask how meaningful public participation can be designed when affected citizens are spread across the country.

Our discussants suggested energetic, heartfelt, and intelligent approaches to rebuilding our Gulf Coast in a sensible, environmentally sound manner.


Chuck Barlow, Assistant General Counsel-Environmental, Entergy Services, Inc.
Dave Evans, Director, Wetlands Division, U.S. EPA Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds
Oliver Houck, Professor and Director, Tulane University Law School Environmental Program
Steven Levine, Partner, Phelps Dunbar, LLP
Vernice Miller-Travis, Executive Director, GroundworkUSA