Rio+20: What Should Companies Know About It?

February 28, 2012 11:27 am — 11:27 am
Co-sponsored by the Environmental Law Institute and the National Association for Environmental Managers

From June 20-22, tens of thousands of people are expected to gather in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Following 20 years after the so-called Earth Summit in Rio, this global environmental event will focus on the green economy and the institutional framework for sustainable development. Hopes for groundbreaking international agreements are low, so why is this event important? What should corporations know about Rio+20, its objectives, and the expected outcomes? Why would companies attend, or not attend, this event? What are the many side events surrounding the conference, and how relevant are they to corporate objectives of fostering sustainable development?

An expert panel discussed this landmark event, what the objectives are, whether and how to attend, potential outcomes and consequences of this remarkable gathering.

Carol Singer Neuvelt, Executive Director, NAEM (moderator)
Amy Fraenkel, Regional Director, Regional Office of North America, United Nations Environment Programme
Carl Bruch, Co-Director, International Program, Environmental Law Institute
Leslie Carothers, Visiting Professor, Pace University School of Law

Carl Bruch, powerpoint
Leslie Carothers, powerpoint
Amy Fraenkel, powerpoint