Soil Vapor Intrusion: Where Do We Go From Here?

December 12, 2006 11:26 am — 11:26 am
New York, NY

The intrusion of potentially hazardous vapors from soil and groundwater into homes and other structures has reopened regulatory involvement at many sites previously thought to be remediated. New York State, U.S. EPA, and other agencies have released regulations and guidance to address this developing hazard. David J. Freeman, chair of the New York Environmental Practice Group at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker, moderated a discussion about recent federal and New York state soil vapor regulations and guidance and how they can impact the development and/or redevelopment of contaminated and even pristine sites. Panelists discussed potential liabilities associated with soil vapor, the interplay of state and federal agencies in the investigation and remediation process, federal and state enforcement initiatives, and possible future developments in the regulatory area.

Krista Anders
, Public Health Specialist, New York State Department of Health
Walter Mugdan, Director, Division of Environmental Planning and Protection, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 2
William Wertz, Section Chief, Division of Environmental Remediation, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation