Sustainable Practices in 2010: What Private Companies are Doing and Requiring and Why

March 11, 2010 11:27 am — 11:27 am
Washington, DC
Co-sponsored by
Venable LLP,
the Environmental Law Institute and
Field Fisher

With many corporations and the United States government making “sustainable” initiatives a priority, companies need to know what is being done and why. They must decide what to do voluntarily and ensure they comply with any new mandatory requirements. Just as importantly, once they decide what they want to do they need to determine how to do it and how to fund it.

This event included a timely and candid discussion of:

  • The current state of voluntary sustainability practices, both Corporate and Governmental, including
  • What is being done and why
  • What works and what doesn't
  • Lessons learned
  • Possible mandatory requirements for government contactors
  • How to fund green initiatives

Featured Speakers:

  • Michelle Moore, Federal Environmental Executive
  • Mari Snyder, Vice President of Social Responsibility & Community Engagement, Marriott International, Inc.
  • Elias Hinckley, Venable LLP
  • Lowell Rothschild, Venable LLP