Water Diplomacy Symposium 2023: A Global Experience Exchange

March 21, 2023 8:30 am — 5:00 pm
Volvo Hall, Scandinavian House, 58 Park Ave (New York, NY)

The Women in Water Diplomacy Network in partnership with the Environmental Law Institute, the Stockholm International Water Institute, the International Joint Commission, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the University of Arizona are pleased to convene this 2023 Water Diplomacy Symposium directly in advance of the 2023 UN Water Conference in New York City. The objective of this one-day program is to enable networking, partnerships and experience and good practice exchange amongst participating formal and informal water diplomats attending the UN Water Conference with focus on critical themes of importance to transboundary basins globally, and water insecure and conflict sensitive basins in particular. This event is expected to engage an estimated 80 water diplomats from around the world with special focus on women water leaders.

For a complete description, agenda, and speaker bios, please download the full agenda (PDF) below.