Environmental Law Institute, Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)
Co-sponsored by the FAO and RRI for the online version of the Stockholm International Water Institute's (SIWI's) World Water Week
Secure and equitable frameworks governing water tenure—relationships between individuals, communities, governments, and private entities at all levels with respect to water—are a fundamental component of sustainable and climate-resilient water management. Particularly for vulnerable populations and women, legally secure water tenure rights are essential to improving livelihoods, food security, and gender equality, and are important determinants of climate resilience.
Building on RRI/ELI’s recent, 15-country analysis of Indigenous, Afro-descendant, and local communities’ legally recognized freshwater tenure rights, the webinar will also feature FAO’s preliminary Water Tenure and Water Accounting assessment results and highlight perspectives from pilot countries (Senegal, Sri Lanka, and Rwanda) to facilitate interactive discussion on mainstreaming water tenure as a pillar of climate-resilient water governance in national policy debates. Participants in this World Water Week At Home event contributed to an ongoing international process articulating the good governance of water tenure and relationships with land, forests and fisheries tenure; strengthening communities’, smallholders’, and women’s water tenure rights; and increasing climate resilience. Learn more.