Women in Water Diplomacy Network - South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia)

April 26, 2024 8:30 am — April 27, 2024 5:45 pm
Tbilisi, Georgia

The Women in Water Diplomacy Network South Caucasus Inception Workshop was made possible through the support of a Dutch Research Council NWO grant and USAID South Caucasus Regional Water Management (SCRWM).

WWDN South Caucasus Inception Workshop 2024 Co-Convenors Logos

The Women in Water Diplomacy South Caucasus Inception Workshop aimed to examine the interconnections of women, water, peace, and security in the South Caucasus and consider avenues to support and improve women’s participation in transboundary water related decision-making processes at various levels. 

Specifically, the Women in Water Diplomacy Network South Caucasus Inception Workshop served as an opportunity to:

  • Improve understanding of the barriers and opportunities for women’s, including young women’s, meaningful participation in water and climate dialogues, and decision-making and management of transboundary waters in the South Caucasus. 
  • Connect women water security experts from the South Caucasus with one another. 
  • Foster dialogue around water security, its gender dimensions, and women’s participation. 
  • Identify opportunities to support women’s participation in this space. 
  • Discuss inception and development of a regional Women in Water Diplomacy Network branch in the South Caucasus, including foreseen benefits and challenges.

See the After Action Report on this engagement below.

Please reach out to Elizabeth A. Koch at koch@eli.org with any questions.

WWDN South Caucasus Photo Collage 2024