Navigating Newly Non-WOTUS Wetlands: A Study of Six States' Wetlands Programs after Sackett v. EPA (2024)
*NEW* In 2024, ELI conducted an updated study of six states' wetland programs, summarizing our findings in Navigating Newly Non-WOTUS Wetlands: A Study of Six States’ Wetlands Programs after Sackett v. EPA. Updated state summaries are now available for Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
State Wetland Protection: Status, Trends & Model Approaches (2008)
Launched in 2003, ELI’s 50-state wetland program study was designed to inform and advance state wetland protection by providing information on state program regulatory and non-regulatory tools and activities to state, tribal, and federal agencies, nongovernmental conservation organizations, and the public. For each of the 50 states, ELI examined seven “core” components of state wetland programs:
- State laws, regulations, and programs;
- Monitoring and assessment;
- Restoration programs and activities;
- Water quality standards;
- Public-private partnerships;
- Coordination among state and federal agencies; and
- Education and outreach activities.
The final report, State Wetland Protection: Status, Trends & Model Approaches, provides a comprehensive look at how states are approaching each of the seven core elements for state wetland programs, including summary data, trends and analysis, and model approaches.
ELI has also prepared narratives summarizing state wetland program elements for each state. Click on the state below to view its individual narrative:
State summaries and data can also be found in the Phase I, Phase II, Phase III, and Phase IV reports of this project.
Funding for the original study was provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Other links of interest:
- Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM) is constructing a website providing information on the core wetland program elements for each of the fifty states. Completed state program summaries, posted in a standardized format that may be revised and expanded over time, can be found at
- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency also provides information both about and for state, tribal, and local wetland programs, including:
- State, tribal, and local initiatives:;
- Landowner assistance and stewardship:;
- Water quality and 401 certification:;
- Monitoring and assessment:; and
- Wetland programs across the country: