One of the goals of the original Long-Term Vision for Assessment, Restoration, and Protection under the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) Program was for states to “…review, systematically prioritize, and report priority watersheds or waters for restoration and protection...” The documents detailing how states and territories prioritized their waters or watersheds under the CWA 303(d) Program during that ten-year period can be accessed via the links below. ELI's An Overview of State CWA 303(d) Program Vision Prioritization Frameworks provides a summary and historical snapshot of state Vision priorities in their collective first year.
Alabama | Alaska | Arizona |
Arkansas | California | Colorado |
Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia |
Florida | Georgia | Hawaii |
Idaho | Illinois | Indiana |
Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky |
Louisiana | Maine | Maryland |
Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota |
Mississippi | Missouri | Montana |
Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire |
New Jersey | New Mexico | New York |
North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio |
Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania |
Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina |
South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas |
Utah | Vermont | Virginia |
Virgin Islands | Washington | West Virginia |
Wisconsin | Wyoming |