Indoor Air Quality Workshop for State and Local Officials: 2000 Meeting Report
Date Released
May 2000

This summary aims to capture the range of ideas presented at the meeting and to describe the key themes that were interwoven throughout the two-day meeting. Section II presents the overarching themes of the workshop, while Section III highlights the presentations and discussions from each session. Finally, Section IV describes the recommendations made by workshop participants for continuing the collaboration and communication among programs established at the meeting.

Transparency and Responsiveness: Building a Participatory Process for Activities Implemented Jointly Under the Climate Change Convention
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1997
Transparency and Responsiveness: Building a Participatory Process for Activities

The Environmental Law Institute surveyed existing AIJ projects under the United States Initiative on Joint Implementation (USIJI) and AIJ projects initiated from other countries. The survey looked for evidence of transparent mechanisms and public involvement in decision-making. In addition, ELI examined development projects analogous to the AIJ framework, such as multilateral development bank investments and environmental fund investments, that included participatory elements.

Implementing an Emissions Cap and Allowance Trading System for Greenhouse Gases: Lessons from the Acid Rain Program
Environmental Law Institute Staff
Date Released
September 1997

This report discusses specific lessons learned from the Acid Rain Program, contained in Title IV of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (CAAA), that apply to an emissions cap and allowance trading system for greenhouse gases (GHGs). Chapter II discusses the basic design features in applying an emissions cap and allowance trading system to emissions of CO2, methane and other GHGs. Chapter III evaluates lessons from Title IV, and discusses specific issues in establishing a similar regulatory system for GHGs.

Fresh Air: Innovative State and Local Programs for Improving Air Quality
Suellen T. Keiner, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1997

This report discusses state and local air initiatives based on the 1990 Amendment to the Clean Air Act to improve air quality. These include new market incentives, permit requirements, enforcement tools, and greater citizen involvement. Information is taken from 21 case studies, with a focus on determining how and why particular state and local air initiatives have been successful and what specific results have been achieved in terms of reduced air emissions.

Brownfields Program
  • LUCIP Reality Check — Denver, CO (2005)
  • 2005 Phoenix Awards: Housing, Health Centers and Roads to Success — Denver, CO (2005)
  • Remodeling Public Health: Bringing in the Redevelopers — Denver, CO (2005)
  • Rebuilding Community Health: A Blueprint for Environmental Justice through Brownfields Redevelopment — Jacksonville, FL (2005)
  • A Shot in the Arm: Promoting Public Health through Brownfields Redevelopment — St.