Sam Lovall
City and State
Detroit, Michigan

Sam has over 35 years of professional landscape architectural experience in design, construction, and grant writing for park, riverfront, trail system, urban, and environmental planning projects. Sam also teaches Planning and Landscape Architecture at Michigan State University. He has been the Project Manager for numerous riparian planning projects in southeast Michigan, and led the development of master plans for the Rouge River Gateway, the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge Gateway Site, and an Opportunity Assessment for the Lower Detroit River. Most recently, Sam was Project Manager for the Friends of the Detroit River, successfully completing Great Lakes Restoration Initiative projects funded through NOAA at several locations in the Detroit River. His current work involves completing construction to restore Lake Okonoka on Belle Isle and planning for habitat restoration on Sugar Island and at Hennepin Marsh.

Read Sam's contribution to ELI's Vibrant Environment Blog.

Watch Sam talk about his wetlands work.

Title and Organization
Friends of the Detroit River
Recipient Image
Sam Lovall 2020 National Wetlands Award winner for Local Stewardship