Bringing Floodplain Restoration to Scale: The Mollicy Farms Project on the Ouachita River, Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana, USA

Volume 34, Issue 2, Page 16

The Nature Conservancy and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have partnered to implement a phased floodplain restoration project on the Mollicy Farms Unit of the Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Louisiana. Expected outcomes include a reduction in nutrients and sediments exported to the Ouachia River and increased biological productivity resulting from reestablishment of floodplain functions and processes. At 16,000 acres, Mollicy Farms is the largest floodplain restoration effort underway in the United States.

Bringing Floodplain Restoration to Scale: The Mollicy Farms Project on the Ouachita River, Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge, Louisiana, USA
SKU: nwn-article-48817