Mick Micacchion
Mick Micacchion, who leads the wetland program at the Midwest Biodiversity Institute (MBI), a non-profit organization, dedicated to the research, monitoring and assessment, restoration, and better understanding of aquatic resources, has played a pivotal role protecting wetlands in his home state of Ohio. He was part of the team that developed the rules that comprise Ohio’s Wetland Water Quality Standards and helped developed assessment tools for more effective wetland reviews. Mick was the lead in development of the Amphibian Index of Biotic Integrity (AmphIBI) and has monitored hundreds of vernal pool wetlands across Ohio in its development. He was also a co-founder of the Ohio Vernal Pool Network, which has been instrumental for the last 20 years in increasing the awareness and protection of vernal pools in Ohio. Mick has also served on the Ohio Interagency [Wetlands] Review Team and the National Wetland Condition Assessment Technical Committee, he has worked as a restoration ecologist for the Ohio Chapter of The Nature Conservancy’s In-lieu Fee Program, and has been vice-president of the Ohio Wetlands Association for the last nine years.