ELI Award Dinner

ELI Award Dinner



The Environmental Law Institute is proud to announce that the 2022 Environmental Achievement Award will go to Benjamin Wilson, Environmental Lawyer and Civil Rights Advocate!

The ANNUAL AWARD CEREMONY will be held in person on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC.

Ben Wilson

ELI is pleased to announce that it will present its 2022 Environmental Achievement Award to Benjamin F. Wilson—lawyer, scholar, pioneer, and mentor—in recognition of his visionary leadership and service to communities over a most distinguished environmental law career.


Sponsorship and Promotional Opportunities

 ELI’s Annual Award Ceremony Fundraiser remains an opportunity for environmental professionals from around the world to forge new bonds of cooperation while supporting the agenda-setting research, education, and training programs of the Institute that makes law work for people, places, and the planet. We could not accomplish our mission without the support and involvement of our outstanding sponsors. Please contact Melodie DeMulling for more details on becoming a 2022 Star Sponsor!


*ELI is asking only vaccinated people to attend the in-person reception and dinner on October 25. We will be asking each guest to verify their vaccination status as part of registration for the event. We also reserve the right to cancel the in-person event at any time based on CDC guidelines and DC Health guidelines and mandates. Thank you for your patience with us as we navigate the new normal for events.


Missed the 2021 Award Ceremony? Don't worry! The Award Ceremony recording is here.
Read t
he Award Ceremony Program.






ELI Corporate & Policy Forum 

To be announced soon
October 25, 2022
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
In Person Only

Please reach out if you would like to sponsor either of these forums. 



Unable to participate in this year's Award Ceremony? Make a donation to support ELI's ongoing work advancing environmental progress through education, events, and research and analysis.


Tax Information: The Environmental Law Institute is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt, charitable organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to the Environmental Law Institute are deductible for federal income, gift and estate tax purposes to the maximum extent permitted by law. ELI’s tax identification number is 52-0901863

You can view our state disclosure information here.

ELI does not undertake the sale, rental or exchange of donor names. ELI does not disclose privileged or confidential donor information to unauthorized parties. All donor information created by, or on behalf of, ELI is the property of ELI and shall not be transferred or utilized except on behalf of ELI. This policy applies to all donations, whether made online or by cash, check, in-kind donation or stock transfer.