Green Cleaning in Schools:

Green Cleaning in Schools:

Developments in State Policy



Citation: Hawaii Rev. Statutes §§302A-1509, 321-26.5 (2009 Hawaii House Bill 1538)

Effective: July 2009

Available: HERE

Summary: This law requires public schools to give first preference to green cleaning products certified by Green Seal and directs the state health department to develop a list of such products.

Key Provisions:

    • Requirements for Using Green Cleaning Products. The law directs the state Department of Health to require all public schools to give first preference, where feasible, to the purchase and use of environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance products that have been approved by the Green Seal program. The law lists several types of products covered by the requirements and also gives the Department of Health authority to identify additional categories of covered products. The law expressly excludes products intended primarily to strip, polish or wax floors, as well as cleaners intended primarily for cleaning toilet bowls, dishes, laundry, upholstery or wood.
    • Guidelines and Specifications. The law requires the state Department of Health to maintain a list of products that have been approved by the Green Seal program, for public schools to use as a first preference guideline when purchasing and using environmentally-sensitive cleaning and maintenance products. The department is authorized to add or remove any product from the list as it deems necessary.


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