In an effort to link the spill-related processes with the existing framework, we released a report in April 2014 entitled “Building Bridges: Connecting the Overlapping Goals, Resources, and Institutions of Gulf of Mexico Restoration and Conservation (Federal Programs).” That report addressed opportunities to link existing federal programs with the processes initiated in response to the spill, identifying dozens of existing federal programs with goals and objectives that overlap with the oil spill restoration processes. These included programs for Gulf states and their local political subdivisions, as well as programs involving public-private partnerships.
In this companion report, we focus on Gulf of Mexico state plans (including regional plans) and state programs. As oil spill restoration efforts move forward, these plans and programs may be important to consider.
This report starts with an overview of the main regional restoration and recovery processes that are ongoing in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. It then explains our methodology, and ends with a review of state plans (including regional plans) and state programs. This report is accompanied by an online tool – the Gulf State Plans and Programs Search Tool– which provides links to the plans and programs highlighted in this report, along with numerous other ones that may be important for Gulf restoration and recovery.