Virginia's Economic Incentives: Missed Opportunities for Sustainable Growth
Date Released
February 2001
Virginia's Economic Incentives: Missed Opportunities for Sustainable Growth

This report examines several major economic incentive programs and funds used in the Commonwealth of Virginia to attract new businesses and to support the expansion of existing businesses. Virginia operates a number of programs that provide loans and grants to businesses for economic development and job creation purposes. The programs reviewed in this report provide nearly $30 million per year in government support to businesses.

Final Report: Sustainable Mexican Municipalities Project
Date Released
November 2002

The two-year Proyecto de Municipios Sustentables ProMuS 2001 (Project for Sustainable Mexican Municipalities) was designed to provide practical and theoretical training on implementing an environmental management system (EMS) to three Mexican municipalities. The primary goal of the project was to implement an EMS at one or more facilities in each of the participating municipalities. The project also sought to develop EMS training materials that would facilitate the implementation of EMSs in other operations and in other Mexican municipalities.

New Mexico's Natural Heritage: A Handbook of Law and Policy
Judy Flynn-O`Brien, Susan George, and David Orleans
Date Released
February 1999

This report is intended as a handbook for all those working to conserve and protect New Mexico`s wealth of biodiversity and rich natural heritage. The goal of the report is to describe the state`s current laws and policies, identify gaps and opportunities for change, and encourage a dialogue about what the laws that affect our natural heritage should look like.

Linking Tax Law and Sustainable Urban Development: The Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997
James M. McElfish Jr. & Eric Feldman, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1998

This report discusses the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 which changed the treatment of capital gains on home sales in an attempt to discourage exurban sprawl. This study examines the effects of former Internal Revenue Code

Guiding Growth in Virginia: Local Incentives for Revitalization and Preservation
Susan Casey-Lefkowitz & Linda Breggin, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
November 1998

This report examines land-use patterns in Virginia that result in urban sprawl, high development of farmland and open space, and break-down of the community base. The study offers suggestions of how to make it cost effective for developers to build in existing communities, as well as incentives to ease pressure on rural land-owners to sell their land.