Habitat Conservation Opportunities in Natural Hazard Areas
David Salvesen, Ryan Winterberg-Lipp and Peter Zambito, Institute for the Environment, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Rebecca Kihslinger, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
January 2010

The Environmental Law Institute (ELI) and the University of North Carolina Institute for the Environment (IE) have released a report identifying opportunities to coordinate habitat conservation and hazard mitigation planning in areas at risk of flooding and other natural hazards.

Everyday Environmentalism: Law, Nature, and Individual Behavior

Faced with the seemingly overwhelming prospect of global climate change and its consequences, is there anything that a person can do to make a difference? “Yes, there is!” says Jason Czarnezki. Writing as a lawyer and environmentalist, he addresses the small personal choices that individuals can make in order to have a positive effect on the natural world.

Answer Constitutional Challenges to New Climate Change Initiatives

New legal initiatives to address climate change are gaining traction, but the history of environmental law in the United States teaches that every aspect of any new legal regime will be aggressively tested in the courts. The nascent efforts to control climate change are no exception and already face constitutional challenges in federal courts on multiple fronts. For example, industry argues both that the federal government lacks the authority to regulate greenhouse gases and that state regulations should be pre-empted by federal authority.