Nanotechnology Program: Convening
- The Story of TSCA Reform (Washington DC—July 14, 2016)
Entering the Marketplace: Public & Private Product Regulation at Home and Abroad
Webinar #1: The Regulatory Structure of Products (November 13, 2013)
Nanotechnology Program: Contact Us
Linda Breggin
Senior Attorney
Tel: 202-558-3102 or 615-279-1861
Where Does the Nano Go? End-of Life Regulation of Nanotechnology

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) must make key decisions about how to apply the two major end-of-life statutes to nanotechnology waste in order to ensure adequate oversight for these technologies, concludes a new report from the Wilson Center's Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies. However, the report notes that the Agency lacks much of the data on human health and eco-toxicity that form the basis for such determinations, creating some tough challenges ahead in EPA?s decision-making process.
Securing the Promise of Nanotechnology: Is U.S. Environmental Law Up To the Job?

Securing the Promise of Nanotechnology: Is U.S. Environmental Law Up To the Job? summarizes the output of a multi-stakeholder dialogue hosted by ELI and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, held earlier this year. The Dialogue brought together noted scientists, lawyers, and policymakers to examine how US laws and regulations, as well as additional means of governance such as voluntary programs and industry standards, can be used effectively to address the environmental, health, and safety implications of nanotechnologies.
Nanotechnology Program
Nanotechnology is the manufacture and manipulation of materials that are approximately 1 to 100 nanometers in size. Over 1,000 products that use nanomaterials are already on the market, including fabrics, sporting goods, and cosmetics.