Environmental Justice in Urban Development: The Problem of Green Gentrification

Former railroad turned elevated park, the New York City High Line presents a prime example of creating new green spaces to beautify, ameliorate, and revitalize surrounding communities. Although certainly one of the city’s most popular parks, the High Line also serves as the culprit for a sharp 35% increase in adjacent housing values.
Green Jobs in the United States
The BRIGHT Green Jobs Repository: A Catalog of Training Opportunities for Green infrastructure Technologies
When implementing Green Infrastructure to revitalize brownfields in your neighborhood, new jobs in both the Initial installation of infrastructure and its long-term operation and maintenance will become available. These jobs will often require new training and certification standards, which can include education from universities, trade organizations, non-profits, and training grants.
Blight Revitalization Initiative for Green, Healthy Towns
ELI’s Blight Revitalization Initiative for Green, Healthy Towns (BRIGHT) identifies corridors of blighted, vacant, and environmentally-impaired properties in overburdened communities and supports the community and municipality in developing a revitalization plan. Combining community-level engagement with organizational and financial support from the private sector, government, and NGOs, BRIGHT catalyzes:
Brownfields Program: Organization Database
The resource database is intended to provide users with a thorough listing of the government agencies, regional and national non-profits, community groups and businesses working on brownfields-related issues in their state and region. This database includes local, state, and federal government offices and programs; businesses; insurers; environmental consultants; web-based resources; community groups; community development corporations; associations; national organizations; and regional organizations.
Catalyzing Redevelopment: Innovative Approaches and Emerging Best Practices in State Petroleum Brownfield Initiatives

Across the country, states are experimenting with innovative new approaches to brownfields and petroleum brownfields remediation and redevelopment. Through simplified regulatory processes, new methods for supporting redevelopment, and greater information sharing, states are overcoming longstanding obstacles to remediation projects. This report provides concrete examples of applied practices and programs currently in use throughout the country, along with information about regulatory and procedural changes that states have successfully deployed.
The Brownfields Center
The Environmental Law Institute’s Brownfields Center provides essential information on brownfields cleanup and redevelopment with a focus on the concerns and needs of community groups across the country. The Center’s goal is to encourage and support effective citizen participation in the redevelopment of brownfields.
Brownfields Center News & Announcements
Brownfields 2015 Call for Ideas:
The Brownfields 2015 conference encourages participants to submit ideas for educational sessions. The conference planning committee is seeking input for the following topic areas:
Brownfields Basics
What is a brownfield?
The term brownfield typically refers to land that is abandoned or underused, in part, because of concerns about contamination. The federal government defines brownfields as “abandoned, idled or underused industrial and commercial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination.”
Brownfields FAQ
What is a brownfield?
The federal government defines brownfields as "abandoned, idled or underused industrial and commercial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination." Brownfields may make you think of dirty, blighted, abandoned industrial property, but that image is too narrow. Though some brownfields are old industrial sites, others are commercial buildings with little or no environmental contamination. Brownfields could be former service stations, warehouses, abandoned railroads or air strips.