The Role of Aquatic Invasive Species in State Listing of Impaired Waters and the TMDL Program: Seven Case Studies
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
May 2008
The Role of Aquatic Invasive Species in State Listing of Impaired Waters and the

ELI’s report, The Role of Aquatic Invasive Species in State Listing of Impaired Waters and the TMDL Program, examines how seven states representing a range of geography, number of aquatic invasive species, water quality standards, 303(d) listings for invasive species, and aquatic invasive species management programs have addressed the effects of aquatic invasive species on the waters of their respective states through the federal Clean Water Act.

Water Quality Program

Water quality depends upon well-defined water quality standards and criteria, consistent and well-constructed monitoring and evaluation programs, and a legal framework that produces effective incentives to control public and private activities that may result in water pollution and the degradation of aquatic habitat.

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