ELI Research Brief #2 - Reauthorizing Superfund: Lessons from the States
James M. McElfish Jr. & John Pendergrass, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 1993

Out Of Print

Forty-nine U.S. states have individual "Superfund Laws" providing for the cleanup of hazardous sites through combinations of liability and public funding. The conclusion of this research brief is that as Congress considers amendments to the federal Superfund law, it should draw on the experiences of the states. Reauthorizing Superfund discusses and summarizes the key lessons from four comprehensive ELI studies on state superfund programs.

Subsidies with Responsibilities: Placing Stewardship and Disclosure Conditions on Government Payments to Large-Scale Commodity Crop Operations
Linda Breggin and Bruce Myers
Date Released
January 2013
Subsidies with Responsibilities: Placing Stewardship and Disclosure Conditions o

This ELI report recommends that large-scale commodity crop operations that opt to receive any form of federal farm subsidy, including subsidized crop insurance, be assigned responsibility for: putting in place basic measures to reduce water pollution from fertilizer runoff; and disclosing information to the public about the quantity, type, and timing of fertilizers they apply. Runoff from the production of major commodity crops such as corn, soybeans, and wheat can contribute significantly to downstream water pollution.