The Education of a President
Stephen Dujack - Environmental Law Institute
Environmental Law Institute
Current Issue

Good governance and the rule of law are the code words of Scott Fulton, ELI’s new chief executive, summarizing a career spent mostly in government implementing those precepts. They are also the axioms that imbue the Environmental Law Institute, making him a close fit with the organization.

Growing the Grid
Peter Behr - EnergyWire
Current Issue

The Clean Power Plan’s success hinges on reformation of the transmission lines that link generators and consumers of electrical energy. Congress has the responsibility for creating a durable policy framework for the 21st century’s power infrastructure.

Standing Ground
Damien M. Schiff - Alston & Bird LLP
Sarah T. Babcock -
Alston & Bird LLP
Current Issue

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Sackett v. EPA, citizen-developers are fighting back against doubtful Clean Water Act enforcement actions. Two subsequent lower-court decisions provide backing for the public in developing alleged wetlands.

Big Data and Environmental Protection: An Initial Survey of Public and Private Initiatives
Linda K. Breggin and Judith Amsalem
Date Released
July 2014
Big Data and Environmental Protection

Big data sets and analytics increasingly are being used by government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and private firms to forward environmental protection. Improving energy efficiency, promoting environmental justice, tracking climate change, and monitoring water quality are just a few of the objectives being furthered by the use of big data. This paper provides examples of the many ways big data sets and analytics are being used to achieve environmental and sustainability goals.