Environmental Liability

Liability for environmental harm is designed to compensate affected parties, with a particular focus on restoring or replacing injured resources and/or providing compensation for lost value. By increasing the costs for those who harm the environment, liability provisions can serve an important deterrent role, promoting compliance with laws and regulations. Liability provisions can also serve as gap-fillers, covering activities not specifically identified as illegal but nevertheless resulting in harm to the environment, livelihoods, and public health.

Bernard Goldstein, M.D. - University of Cologne
University of Cologne
Current Issue

It’s not the material injected underground to release shale gas — it’s the dangerous fluid and gases that come back to the surface. The lost opportunity to perform a thorough evaluation of the potential adverse health consequences of fracking has hurt the industry.

Enforcing Hazardous Wastes Rules in India: Strategies and Techniques for Achieving Increased Compliance
Mahesh Menon, Manjeri Subin Sunder Raj, John Pendergrass, Teresa Chan, Valerie Pinkerton
Date Released
April 2014
Enforcing Hazardous Wastes Rules in India: Strategies and Techniques for Achievi

The handbook provides an overview of India’s hazardous waste rules and the roles of the central government and states, along with brief comparisons to the US system. It also covers planning and executing an enforcement program, as well as suggestions and case studies for dealing with some of the most pressing challenges India’s states face in enforcing the hazardous waste rules.