School Indoor Air Quality: State Policy Strategies for Maintaining Healthy Learning Environments
Tobie Bernstein
Date Released
August 2009

The quality of the air inside our nation’s 125,000 schoolhouses is important not only to the physical health and well-being of students and staff, but also to the core mission of our schools — educational excellence and academic achievement. This report discusses how state policy can ensure that all K-12 schools address basic IAQ issues as part of their ongoing operations and maintenance activities. The report examines leading state policy models and identifies key considerations for developing an effective policy.

Indoor Air Quality in New Homes: Summary of Selected State Laws
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
March 2007
Indoor Air Quality in New Homes: Summary of Selected State Laws

This report describes state laws and regulations that address several key issues relating to indoor air quality in new home construction. Its purpose is to increase understanding of ways in which states have adopted legal requirements for improving indoor air quality that go beyond typical residential building code measures.

Policy Briefs

The past two decades have witnessed considerable development in the body of state policy aimed at reducing exposure to pollutants indoors and promoting best practices in building management and construction. Nevertheless, nearly every state can benefit from stronger policies in this area.