Restore the Chesapeake
Ridgway Hall - Chesapeake Legal Alliance
Chesapeake Legal Alliance
Current Issue

The vast bay and watershed include the largest estuary in the country. Efforts to restore its vastly degraded water quality involve a commensurately large response by the Bay States, the federal Environmental Protection Agency, local governments, and the public.

To Receive Subsidies, Largest Farms Should Accept Greater Environmental Responsibilities: New Stewardship, Disclosure Conditions Would Reduce Water Pollution Cost to Public
June 2012

(Washington, DC) — A report issued today by the Environmental Law Institute (ELI) re commends that large-scale commodity crop operations that opt to receive any form of federal farm subsidy, including subsidized crop insurance, be assigned responsibility for:

Industrial Agriculture Law and Policy Center

Most agricultural production involves large-scale operations, substantial inputs of fertilizer and pesticides, and the intensive confinement of animals. Long viewed as a triumph of technology over the natural limitations placed on farmers by pests, weather, and the biology of plants and animals themselves, the agricultural sector today also imposes very real social costs in the form of pollution and other undesirable impacts. Society has encouraged high levels of agricultural production through federal taxpayer subsidies.