Natural Resource Valuation and Damage Assessment in Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis
Danielle Schopp and John Pendergrass
Date Released
August 2003
Natural Resource Valuation and Damage Assessment in Nigeria: A Comparative Analy

Oil fields are abundant in the Niger Delta and provide the Nigerian government with much of its revenue. Environmental damage caused by oil production activities including exploration, drilling, production, transportation, and refining threatens biodiversity of the Niger Delta and the livelihoods of its inhabitants. Many of the people in the Niger Delta depend on the abundant natural resources of the delta for fishing, herbal medicines, food, fiber, and other uses.

Indigenous Peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico
Center for the Support of Native Lands and National Geographic
Date Released
December 2001
Indigenous Peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico

In January of this year Native Lands’ new map, Indigenous Peoples and Natural Ecosystems in Central America and Southern Mexico, was completed. It is an update of an earlier map, The Coexistence of Indigenous Peoples and the Natural Environment in Central America, published in 1992. Both maps were collaborative efforts between Native Lands and the National Geographic Society. The original map put on display forest cover and areas of indigenous use and occupation.