Indiana's Biological Diversity: Strategies and Tools for Conservation
Environmental Law Institute Staff
Date Released
December 1995

Public and private development and management decisions can -- and have -- resulted in losses and degradation of Indiana`s biological diversity. Sometimes these losses occur because of a lack of knowledge about the many opportunities that exist in Indiana for conservation and restoration activities. Many individuals, companies, institutions, and government agencies could contribute to protecting biological diversity if they recognized its economic value and social benefits. This publication identifies Indiana laws, policies, and institutions that affect the state`s biological diversity.

Status of the States: Innovative Strategies for Biodiversity Conservation
Jessica Wilkinson, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
January 2001

The United States now faces a biodiversity crisis of historic proportions. It is estimated that "one-third of the native U.S. flora and fauna is considered to be of conservation concern." States are currently facing unprecedented habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation due to sprawl development, agriculture, and other land modifications. Many states are also being confronted with contentious Endangered Species Act battles. However, few, if any, federal laws or programs address protection of the broader array of plants, animals, and ecosystems before they become imperiled.

State Wildlife Action Plans and Utilities: New Conservation Opportunities for America's Wildlife
James M. McElfish, Jr. and Austin Kane
Date Released
January 2007
State Wildlife Action Plans and Utilities: New Conservation Opportunities for Am

State Wildlife Action Plans and Utilities: New Conservation Opportunities for America’s Wildlife examines utilities in three states that represent a diverse range of utility types and regulatory frameworks — New Jersey, Michigan, and Washington. It identifies a wide range of opportunities for utilities and state agencies to use wildlife action plans to inform policy, planning, and management decisions. This report also highlights the wide variety of activities that utilities are implementing to conserve wildlife on their lands and waters.

Linking Climate Change and Invasive Species Policies

Whether through habitat fragmentation, shifting temperature regimes, opening up new invasion pathways, or other mechanisms, climate change will deeply affect invasive species management. ELI studies the interactions between climate change and invasive species management and works to increase consideration of climate in aquatic invasive species management and to guide development of policies for movement of species internationally.
