Pollution Prevention and Mining: A Proposed Framework for the Americas - Spanish Edition
Susan Bass, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
January 2000

The environmental impacts of hard rock mining can be highly adverse if the proper pollution prevention technology and regulatory framework are not in place and properly functioning. Pollution prevention as a strategic management principle offers the opportunity to avoid or minimize significant environmental impacts of hard rock mining while also identifying and promoting economy and efficiency in the design and operation.

Pollution Prevention and Mining: A Proposed Framework for the Americas - English Edition
Susan Bass, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
January 2000

There are compelling reasons for Inter-American collaboration in developing a hemispheric framework for pollution prevention in hard rock mining. Trade and investment in this sector are expanding. Many of the natural resources potentially threatened by mining have common characteristics or are shared by countries. Mining companies are operating as multinationals. An Inter-American approach to environmental regulation helps to set a common playing field as well as avoids the complexity of having different standards in different regions.

Consentimiento Informado Previo y Minerõa: Promoviendo el Desarrollo Sustentable de las Comunidades Locales
Susan Bass, Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
December 2004
Consentimiento Informado Previo y Minerõa: Promoviendo el Desarrollo Sustentable

While nations and multinational corporations profit from mining operations around the world, local communities face the resulting negative impacts. Mining communities have begun to exercise their right to prior informed consent to mining operations, despite skepticism in the international community and business world. However, in December 2003, the World Bank's Extractive Industries Review endorsed prior informed consent for its projects and private projects.