Focus on Flourishing
On suburban sprawl, reconsidered.
On suburban sprawl, reconsidered.
Knot Good: How Climate Change Harms Rich, Industrial Economies.
ELI PRESS ❧ How animal law can extend the environmental movement's quest for legal standing for non-human animals.
NATIONAL WETLANDS NEWSLETTER ❧ Using the Clean Water Act's Section 404(c) to protect a national treasure, Alaska's Bristol Bay.
The Environmental Law Institute operates an on-going collaborative program devoted to the protection of biological diversity at the state level. The objective of ELI’s State and Federal Biodiversity Program is to improve biodiversity protection by identifying both obstacles to and opportunities for the conservation of biological diversity on the state and local level. The method we have utilized is to work in collaboration with local partners to formulate and implement statewide strategies for biodiversity protection and restoration.
Recently, increased emphasis has been placed on non-structural and nature-based hazard mitigation solutions, including the restoration of wetlands and floodplains, as cost-effective alternatives for flood hazard mitigation that also help achieve conservation goals like maintaining biodiversity. FEMA hazard mitigation grant programs could provide potential funding that could pay for the restoration and protection of critical natural infrastructure and improve outcomes and reduce costs from the next disaster.
New Approaches for Conserving Biodiversity: Adapting Law and Governance to a Changing Climate