Developing Wetland Restoration Priorities for Climate Risk Reduction and Resilience in the MARCO Region
James McElfish, Rebecca Kihslinger and Jessye Waxman
Date Released
December 2016
Developing Wetland Restoration Priorities for Climate Risk Reduction and Resilie

Working with New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia — the five members of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) — the Environmental Law Institute prepared a detailed assessment of methods to identify, conserve, and restore wetlands for protection of communities and ecosystems in the face of rapid climate change. ELI in collaboration with an expert panel designed an approach that can accommodate continuous improvement by resource managers, legislators, and policy makers. The approach relies on:

The Debate: How Can the U.S. Lead in Paris to Achieve a Climate Agreement We Can Live With?
Need Transparency and Review Mechanism
Avoid Falling Into Another Kyoto Trap
A Balanced, International Approach
A New Language for Diplomacy in Paris (and U.S.)
Senate Should Favor Accord This Time
A New Tag Line: "It's Global an It Will Work"
Joseph E. Aldy - Harvard Kenny School
John D. Graham - Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Gary S. Guzy - Covington & Burling LLP
Bob Inglis -
Jennifer Morgan - World Resources Institute
Jake Schmidt - Natural Resources Defense Council
Harvard Kenny School
Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs
Covington & Burling LLP
World Resources Institute
Natural Resources Defense Council
Current Issue

In a few weeks, the 21st Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change will convene in Paris to hammer out for the first time an accord that will have binding targets for almost all nations, industrialized and developing alike. We polled some of the leading thinkers and activists involved in the climate change negotiations, asking them what the United States needs to do to realize an agreement that we can live with — one that protects the environment and also wins favor in the Senate and among the American public.

Growing the Grid
Peter Behr - EnergyWire
Current Issue

The Clean Power Plan’s success hinges on reformation of the transmission lines that link generators and consumers of electrical energy. Congress has the responsibility for creating a durable policy framework for the 21st century’s power infrastructure.