Strategies for Effective State Early Detection/Rapid Response Programs for Plant Pests and Pathogens
Read Porter
Date Released
May 2007
Strategies for Effective State Early Detection/Rapid Response Programs for Plant

Early Detection/Rapid Response (EDRR) is a critical tool for identifying and eradicating introductions of new invasive species and pests. The effectiveness of EDRR largely depends on a supportive legal framework that can facilitate quick action. However, a number of states either lack the appropriate legal framework or contain restrictions (such as on the use of pesticides, or the area/manner in which they can be applied, etc.) that hinder the effective use of EDRR. It is important to understand where these gaps in state authority lie in order to address them at the legal and policy level.

Report for Great Lakes Protection Fund: Potential Federal Preemption of Laws in the Great Lakes States
Environmental Law Institute
Date Released
October 2006
Report for Great Lakes Protection Fund: Potential Federal Preemption of Laws in

Introduced to the Senate on February 10, 2005, Senate Bill 363 (S. 363, the Ballast Water Management Act) proposes to amend the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 to establish a national approach for managing invasive species in ballast water. The proposed legislation also includes a declaration that federal ballast water exchange and ballast water treatment standards, implemented by the U.S. Coast Guard, supersede state and local laws deemed inconsistent with federal provisions.

Planning for Biodiversity: Authorities in State Land Use Laws
Date Released
December 2003

This report is the first to examine the land use planning enabling and growth management laws in each of the 50 states and identify provisions that may provide authority for land use regulators to consider biodiversity protection in making decisions. The report identifies a wide range of currently underutilized and potentially powerful authorities related to biodiversity protection, including planning requirements for natural resources, open space, wildlife habitat, and critical and sensitive areas.

Ohio's Biological Diversity: Strategies and Tools for Conservation
Environmental Law Institute Staff
Date Released
December 1998
Ohio's Biological Diversity: Strategies and Tools for Conservation

Public and private development and management decisions can result in degradation and losses of Ohio`s biological diversity. Sometimes these losses occur because of a lack of knowledge about the many opportunities that exist to promote conservation and restoration activities. Many individuals, companies, institutions, and government agencies could contribute substantially to protecting biological diversity if they recognized its economic value and social benefits.

An Action Plan on Invasive Species
National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species
Date Released
December 2008
An Action Plan on Invasive Species

In An Action Plan on Invasive Species, the Environmental Law Institute and its partners in the National Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species have identified priority actions for both the Obama administration and the 111th Congress related to invasive species prevention and management. By taking these simple steps, the federal government can make substantial progress toward addressing animal and plant invasive species threats.