Indoor Air Quality in Nail Salons
ELI Policy Brief
The Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Policy Resource Center
A number of state health departments have developed technical information to address residual chemical contamination found in dwellings and other buildings formerly used to manufacture illicit drugs.
Why is this Project Important?
The Vermont Department of Health (DOH) undertakes a variety of activities to promote healthy school environments through its Envision Program.
Why is this Project Important?
The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Air Quality Section conducts multidisciplinary research to support IAQ technical and policy solutions and provides technical guidance on a variety of IAQ topics.
Why is this Project Important?
The New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) undertakes a variety of activities addressing indoor air quality, including conducting research and providing technical guidance and informational resources on a wide range of IAQ-related topics.
Why is this Project Important?
Citation: 210 Il. Stat. 45/3-206.06; 210 Il. Stat. 85/6.29. 77 Il. Admin. Code 250.1100 (hospitals); 77 Il. Admin. Code 340.1337 (veterans' homes) ; 77 Il. Admin. Code 330.792 (sheltered care facilities)
Citation: Va. Code § 22.1-138