The Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Policy Resource Center

Profiles of Innovative State Programs: Minnesota - Model School Indoor Air Quality Plan

The Indoor Air Quality Program at the Minnesota Department of Health helps school districts throughout the state advance IAQ best management practices and achieve healthy learning environments. The agency has developed a wealth of technical materials, including a Model School IAQ Management Plan that can be adapted by school districts.

Why is this Project Important?

Profiles of Innovative State Programs: California - Limiting Ozone from Indoor Air Cleaners

The Indoor Exposure Assessment Program of the California Air Resources Board (ARB) conducts research on and assesses exposure to indoor air pollutants, educates the public on indoor air hazards, and develops IAQ guidelines. Following passage of a state law, the ARB adopted a regulation making California the first state to limit ozone emissions from indoor air cleaning devices in order to protect public health. As part of this regulatory initiative, the ARB has developed a considerable amount of information on the subject that can be used by people throughout the U.S.

Policy Briefs

The past two decades have witnessed considerable development in the body of state policy aimed at reducing exposure to pollutants indoors and promoting best practices in building management and construction. Nevertheless, nearly every state can benefit from stronger policies in this area.

Topics in School Environmental Health: Overview of State Laws
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Indoor air quality is a key component of school environmental health. A variety of contaminants commonly found in indoor air – originating from sources both outside and within the building – can adversely affect student and staff health and productivity. Fortunately, there are well-established measures that school districts can implement to prevent and fix IAQ problems. The U.S.