The Indoor Environments and Green Buildings Policy Resource Center

Profiles of Innovative State Programs: New Jersey - Healthy Child Care Center Toolkit

The New Jersey Department of Health (NJ DOH) provides information on a variety of indoor environmental issues. The agency’s Environmental and Occupational Health Surveillance Program has developed educational materials for reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals in child care centers, with a focus on cleaning products, pesticides, and air fresheners.

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Profiles of Innovative State Programs: Washington - Guidance on Cleaning and Disinfection

The Washington State Department of Health (WA DOH) is a leader in providing guidance on proper cleaning and disinfecting practices in public spaces, including in schools and classrooms. The state has developed resources on best practices for preventing the spread of germs while reducing exposure to harsh chemicals that can be harmful to health in their own right.

Why is this Project Important?

Profiles of Innovative State Programs: California - Educational Resources on Mold and Dampness

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Indoor Air Quality Section addresses a variety of IAQ issues, including dampness and mold. The agency has developed a wide range of materials on the subject, including information developed specifically to assist housing code enforcement agencies in addressing dampness and mold problems in rental properties.

Why is this Program Important?