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OPENING ARGUMENT Why are we losing the fight against invasive species? For the past five years, I’ve been studying the way we manage buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert, and thinking about what that tells us about effective policies and programs for better habitat governance.
With SIDEBARs from the National Zoo and the National Invasive Species Council

BRIEFING On the 50th anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act, the U.S. still faces huge implementation challenges. Meanwhile, other countries are struggling to establish their own systems at the most basic level.
With a SIDEBAR by Christian Holmes of Boston Consulting Group

COVER STORY The United States and other nations are quickly facing the point of no return on climate change. Stronger measures are needed to turn the rising fossil fuel tide. We can start by reining in oil and gas exports and turning off the subsidy spigot feeding the fossil fuel industry.
With SIDEBARs by Rich Powell and Robert McKinstry Jr.

40th ANNIVERSARY The magazine’s emphasis today on people and policy is at the core of its original mission, according to the magazine’s first editor in this reminiscence on the magazine’s early years during a period of intense lawmaking, regulation, and litigation.

THE DEBATE The 1985 agreement on climate change requires parties to carry out a global “stocktake” every five years to evaluate collective progress toward achieving long-term goals and purposes. The Environmental Law Institute invited an expert group to form our inaugural Firestone Policy Forum panel, held on the afternoon of the annual Award Dinner in October, to discuss how much progress has been made nationally and globally in meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets.
EJ, Climate Change Procedures Result in CEQ NEPA Controversy.
The Farm Bill’s Outsized Role in Scientific Research in Agriculture.
California Breaks New Ground With Climate Accountability Laws.
Time for Private Practitioners to Recognize That ESG Is Everywhere.
A Scorecard on the Cases Seeking to Stop Atlantic Offshore Wind.
While the World Burns, Dubious Evasions in Climate Negotiations.
Using Trade Policy to Ensure a Level Climate Policy Playing Field.
The Forum Celebrates 40 Years of Advancing Environmental Protection.
On Biodiversity Versus Climate Change.
See Colleagues' Job Changes And Honors Received.
Climate Scientist Receives Annual Achievement Award.
On "Whole of Society" Approach.