Environmental Information
Sarah Lamdan
Release Date

In an ideal world, environmental information would be easy to find and use. But the current state of environmental information access requires additional knowledge and expertise—the kind that this book provides.

Designed for legal practitioners, librarians, journalists, advocates, students, and researchers, this book helps environmental information seekers locate, obtain, and make sense of environmental records, documents, and pieces of data. It contains tips and concepts that expand beyond legal research or general research and into the broader realm of information-gathering. The book discusses environmental research tactics and resources and it also covers methods for obtaining information from nontraditional sources like government offices and open meetings.

Also available in eBook format!

About the Author

Sarah Lamdan is an Associate Professor and librarian at the City University of New York School of Law. She received her J.D. from the University of Kansas School of Law with a Certificate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law, a master’s degree in Legal Information Management from Emporia State University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Management, and a B.A. in English from the University of Kansas. Sarah specializes in government information access and transparency with a focus on environmental agency records, and she teaches legal research, advanced legal research, and lawyering skills courses. She previously served as research specialist for several international law firms and at Bloomberg Law. Her writing on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), information access, and environmental justice issues have been published in the Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vermont Journal of Environmental Law, Government Information Quarterly, and other legal and information science publications. Sarah also facilitates FOIA workshops and seminars on participating in the federal and New York administrative rulemaking process.